Training Schedule

April: 17th, Training @ Wolfskin VFD 6:30 pm Wolfskin's station. Topics to inclue Engine and Tanker operations ( a first view of the Wolfskin's supertanker and the Arnoldsville's Engine Working together.)
24th: Chapter 2 and 3 of the firefighters handbook. (training to be conducted @ 1101's residence)
May 1st: Donning and Doffing of all PPE, Firefighter crawl, and SCBA testing.
May 8th: Chapter 4 of the Firefighters Handbook (to be held at 1101's residence)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Joint training with Wolfskin and Arnoldsville

Last night marked the first training of the year with Wolfskin and Arnoldsville VFD's since the arrival of the new truck.

We all did fantastic. We learned multiple ways to hook up "THE BEAST", Wolfskins tanker/tender, which ever you should call it, to the newley named "HAMSPTER", Arnoldsville's new engine. We were able to flow a lot of water with very little to no efforts what-so-ever.

The night started with us walking through the truck with Wolfskins members, a great bunch of guys dedicated to do the right thing, so that they could become familiar with entry and exit points (known as intakes and discharges). We showed them just how easy we spec'd the truck out for ease of use. After the short, but much needed walkthrough, I took a few of their operatrs over the pump panel, and showed them how to operate the pump, and how almost idiot proof we made it. Excuse the term, but its fitting. We then layed out an 1 3/4 line and a three inch defense line, chared them, and let everyone play with the hoses, while showing that the pump will not change when more lines are opened.

After the demonstration, we headed over to "THE BEAST" and as easy as our truck was to operate, theirs was even easier. One button presets, all digital readout, and discharges all over in many sizes. WOW, Very impressive. Then came the connection of the two trucks. Less than 30 seconds, we were connected and taking in water. about a 1 minute later, our truck was refilled, with plenty of water on board their truck to refill our truck one and a half more times if needed.

With all this in mind, what this means to the residence to Arnoldsville and Wolfskin, With just our engine and their tanker/tender/big water carrier, will will be able to bring 3,500 gallons of water when needed, and thats not including our second piece of equipment, the forestry knocker (900 gallons), Wolfskins Forestry knocker (which I believe is also 900 gallons), and old MARGARITAVILLE, and if I am not mistaken is an additional 1200 gallons. We may not have a water supply in the area, but to make up for it, we have the equipment necessary to provide a very strong and ever growing initial attack on just about anything.

From Arnoldsville Fire Department to the members of Wolfskin, Thank you very much for the opportunity to get out and meet your guys, train with you, and share thoughts and feelings. We look forward to training with you again in the near future. Your hospitality was sensational. We greatly appreciate it.


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