Training Schedule

April: 17th, Training @ Wolfskin VFD 6:30 pm Wolfskin's station. Topics to inclue Engine and Tanker operations ( a first view of the Wolfskin's supertanker and the Arnoldsville's Engine Working together.)
24th: Chapter 2 and 3 of the firefighters handbook. (training to be conducted @ 1101's residence)
May 1st: Donning and Doffing of all PPE, Firefighter crawl, and SCBA testing.
May 8th: Chapter 4 of the Firefighters Handbook (to be held at 1101's residence)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Arnoldsville New Mission statement

Our old mission statement : To protect lives and property.
A good statement, but I dont feel it was enough. A good mission statement states what we will do and how the mission is to be accomplished. So after some serious thinking and erasing, I have come up with the following. Please let me know what you think..

Our Mission: Is to strive to make Arnoldsville a safe place to work, live and be educated in by reducing human suffering caused by fires, sudden illnesses, accidents, hazardous material releases or by man made or natural disasters.
To achieve this, our department will:
• Provide training for Department members to become increasingly knowledgeable and proficient in the areas of public education, fire prevention, fire suppression, emergency medical services, rescue and other related activities.
• Provide its members with the necessary equipment and supplies to safely perform their duties. • Develop and provide educational programs to educate our customers as to the extent of the fire, rescue and medical services provided by this department; promote the deterrence of fire through proactive measures vs. reactive service and to encourage fire safe and fire smart activities.
• Maintain and decrease response time of fire protection, rescue and emergency medical services that the customers have come to expect.

Accident on 78

Tonight we responded to an accident with injuries to highway 78 between Yancey Road and Arnoldsville Road. The Cause of the accident was due to a tree down in the roadway just around the tight corner, making it very difficult to see. The tree, approximately 2-3 foot in diameter, layed down on the road just as a motorcycle was approaching. The status of the driver as of now is unknown, however EMS and First responders were on scene immediately giving care and transporting the driver. We assisted the Sheriffs Office with traffic control, and then later cleaned the streets to allow them to re-open.

On this note, please, I cannot stress enough, slow down when you see flashing emergency lights. Yes something is going on, WOW the lights are pretty, But what most people do not seem to realize is that someones mother or father maybe working on the same road. We do not have flashing lights on our gear. We do have reflective striping on us, but you are not looking for those, the bright flashing thingys are hypnotic. Remember, someone drove that bright attention grabber to the scene, others are riding on it. They are probably not sitting inside it where they are safe. They are on the roads, working to save lives and property. Please, show some respect and slow down to a crawl when approaching the scene, no-one will get upset with you for taking your time, in fact we all appreciate it. What we are doing is dangerous enough, please dont add to our danger with your high dollar emergency services pinball machine. Please help us in making sure ALL of us come home safe.

Thank you all,
Emergency Services

Famous words why!!!

"I have no ambition in this world but one, and that is to be a fireman. The position may, in the eyes of some, appear to be a lowly one; but we who know the work which a fireman has to do, believe that his is a noble calling... But, above all, our proudest endeavor is to save lives... Under the impulse of such thoughts, the nobility of the occupation thrills us and stimulates us to deeds of daring, even of supreme sacrifice."

Edward F. Croker Chief of Department FDNY 1899-1911

Thursday, May 1, 2008

MOD I Training

We have started our own MOD I training, second class will be tonight with a full day of training on Sunday as well. If you, or your department has any members that are looking into the class, feel free to leave me an email, I will get back to you as soon as possible. There is still plenty of time to get into this class, since we have done but 2 hours of basic training, starting with history of Firefighting.